//---------------------------------------// // (M@@king) Multi-File Uploader //---------------------------------------// Contents - About - Description - Instructions - License //---------------------------------------// 1- About Author: Mohammed Ahmed(M@@king) Version: 1.0 Date: 31.08.2005 E-mail: m@maaking.com MSN : m@maaking.com WWW : http://www.maaking.com //---------------------------------------// 2- Description: - If you really want to know how to upload multiple files using php, then you have just chosen the correct script. - Go through it and read every line, there is a small description for each code line. - If you don't understand any code line, please feel free to contact me: E/MSN: m@maaking.com what we used? -The Super Global Variable $_FILES is used in PHP 4.x.x. $_FILES['upload']['size'] ==> Get the Size of the File in Bytes. $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] ==> Returns the Temporary Name of the File. $_FILES['upload']['name'] ==> Returns the Actual Name of the File. $_FILES['upload']['type'] ==> Returns the Type of the File. **************** -Functions used 1- (!is_dir("$upload_dir")) checks if the directory exist or not. 2- (!is_writeable("$upload_dir")) checks if the directory is writable. 3- (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name']) Checks first if a file has been selected 4- (!in_array($ext,$limitedext))) { checks file extension eg. "gif,jpg etc." 5- (file_exists($upload_dir.$filename)) Checks if file is Already EXISTS. 6- (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'],$upload_dir.$filename)) Moves the File to the Directory of your choice eg. "images" - Its very simple and powerful script. - Enjoy //---------------------------------------// 3- Instructions: Edit upload.php using a text/php editor and edit the configurations if needed. Upload all files in "upload" directory to your webserver. eg. (yoursite.com/upload/upload.php) /images CHMOD images directory to 777. Run it! (yoursite.com/upload/upload.php) Have fun! //---------------------------------------// 4- License License is Free (distribution and modification is allowed inorder to learn PHP) If you think that you developed my script please e-mail me. Thanks a lot and have a nice DaY ;) //---------------------------------------//